Only by effort will the goal be attained This is common knowledge Even in the world to attain something you have to strive for it Nothing is achieved without making an effort When you blink your eyes, you may say there is no effort required No, there is When you breathe, you may say you don't put in any effort there No, you do But it is so practiced that you think it is happening naturally It is not so. To attain any desired thing, you have to make an effort Whether it be a worldly thing or a Godly thing If worldly things could be attained without effort Then this world would become stone-like Lifeless and inert. And if our spiritual goal could be attained without doing anything Then why would there be all these Scriptures and instructions, from Vedas to Ramayan? This means only by doing is anything attained Yes - occasionally something is attained without doing anything You will ask "How is that?" Like if you were adopted by a billionaire who did not have children He adopted you and you became a billionaire! You did nothing I heard on the TV just today A very poor person received an unexpected inheritance of several billion in property!!

So this also seems to happen But it is not as it appears to you These are the fruits of their efforts from past lives If one puts in little effort, he should get little reward If he puts in more effort, he should get more But this doesn't happen Everyone in the world makes full effort to earn money In every country But not everyone becomes an Ambani or a Gates Why is this? A laborer strives and endeavors all his life working 12-hour days but is unable to properly feed his family all his life Look at the great effort he puts in And what does Anil Ambani do? Ask him what effort he makes At most, he makes a phone call Or takes a call - and that too only select ones The rest is all done by his workers These cases are the results of efforts made in past lives So, only by effort is any goal attained. Even if it doesn't appear so to us. Say we had put in such efforts in past lives that we went 99% of the way to God We were 1% short when we died Now in this life, we got the 99% for free It is our destiny, our earnings - God will have to give it to us For the remaining 1%, we went to a Saint and associated with him for several days or months and completed it Now another sees this and thinks "He attained his goal in a year or less!" Dhruv did it in 6 months "And here I am doing 'Radhey Radhey' all my life" "Why am I not attaining? Why am I like a stone, devoid of tears?" The poor fellow feels bad and angers at himself "What a big sinner I am!" No, no - he had built his earnings over many lives So he received those fruits. No goal is attained without endeavor - be it material wealth or spiritual love.

In each one, the effort is compulsory Hence - you should never wonder at any time "How did Guru Ji give him so much, and me so little?" It is not so. Look at the rain - if falls the same way all over the Earth. But the trees that sprout are all different Here sandalwood, there a neem tree, an acacia, a rosewood Some with flowers, others with thorns Now if someone wonders why, and blames the rain for being biased "It rained there and made thorns, and rained here and made flowers" No - the rain was the same everywhere. The seeds made the difference. As is the seed, so becomes the tree It is written in the Scriptures - (Kausitaki Upanishad 3.8) As He wishes, God makes some souls do pious actions And He makes some souls do bad actions Now why would God do so? What the Vedas means here is that God gives all souls the power to act Like the clouds shower rain The trees sprout depending on the seeds One did good actions in past lives - God gave him also the power to act Another did many sinful actions and developed a propensity to sin God gave him also the power to do actions Now he sins - and we say God made him do it God does not make anyone act. God does not make anyone do good or bad deeds He only gives us the fruits of our actions The freedom to act is with the soul alone.

Hence, no goal is attained without our own effort Understand this to be inviolable law And wherever you see the opposite, know that to be the fruits of past lives Ramakrishna Paramhansa once placed His hand on a person's head and he experienced divine bliss So people said "There is magic in Ramakrishna Paramhansa's hand" Many people must have gone to him even then "Place your hand on my head too" And if he refused, they must have forcibly placed his hand their People behave like this even with me! If I don't, they grab my hand and place it By force! But that won't work for everyone Only the pure iron can be pulled in to the magnet If the iron has 90% or 99% impurities It will not move from its place, even if placed right next to the magnet (Ramcharitmanas). The more our heart is polluted by sin, the less it will be drawn to God and the Saint And the more our heart is pure, the faster it will be pulled This is the sign and the measure.

Understand this, all of you. How much was your mind pulled towards God and Guru? This alone is the reality of your heart If it is a little pure, it will be drawn a little If your mind is purer, it will be drawn more And if it is not pure You will keep coming and going, acting all the while So the goal is only attained by effort Firmly understand this principle Let the Scriptures, Saints or your neighbors say what they will "What is destined will happen. What God wants will happen" "When the time comes it will happen" (Ramcharitmanas) Those who are lazy and negligent will say this They blame time, or destiny, or God, and go on sinning "He is the Inspirer, what can I do?" Then they repeat a few verses like the one I spoke They are even in Vedic verses!

God sits in everyone's hearts and moves them around (Ramcharitmanas) "So what can we do? We dance to His tune, and we go on sinning" "Ask God why He is making us dance" Creating such philosophies, the soul keeps doing great sin without any fear This will not do Without effort the goal will not be achieved You will have to endeavor
Radhe radhe
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