In the scriptures, Vedas, much evil of Maya is done. Maya is a very bad thing, harms us, turns us away from God. After all, this is Maya, what crazy people say that Maya is nothing, cheating, inexplicable, confusion, falsehood. But the Vedas say; There is a Maheshwar God, the God of all the gods, Lord Krishna, his power is called Maya, then the Vedas say that God has all the powers that are his natural powers, those powers did not come in him someday but those powers are within him It is implied that it has never separated from them, it is called natural power, as the religion of fire is to burn, this religion is not separate from it. A fire, which has two powers to light and light. The God who holds Maya power like this, like a virtuous, rich money man, just like a madman. Maya is a power of God, similarly, God has infinite powers.Among those infinite powers, three power is dominant, Chit Shakti, Jeeva Shakti, Maya Shakti. Chit Shakti means yoga as the power of Maya i.e. Personal Power, Jeeva Shakti i.e. Neutral Power, and Maya Shakti as Outstanding Power. Now you guys see how their order is, this Chit Shakti, this Jeeva Shakti, this Maya Shakti. Now the living power which is above the Maya power and below the power of Chitta, all of us come in this life force, like many animals, humans, and insects, etc. And Chit Shakti means Personal Power. Now, why is this Tathasta Shakti Jiva? Because this living power is with Chit Shakti Now why is this creature possessed by Chit Shakti? So because Chit Shakti is Chaitanya and Jeeva Shakti is also Chaitanya and as long as this Jiva is in the body, then this body is also Chaitanya and when this Jiva comes out of the body, then this body became obedient in its form because the body is from Maya. And Maya is rooted. The root Maya is the name of the conscious creature above it and the Maha Chetan personal power over it, the intimate power, the form power. So this living being is neutral power i.e. Chit Shakti is also conscious living power is also conscious but there is a lot of difference between Chit Shakti and Jeeva Shakti, Lord Almighty, Omnipotent, Sarvansity, Sarvakshi, Surveyor, Sarvsvara, and this Chit is the living entity. People know that there is little power, there is little knowledge, there is little power, everything is small, cannot say even a single drop of water and there is no love of pleasure. Understand this in a nutshell that Chit Shakti is the personal power of God and the second Chit Shakti Jeeva is conscious, but under Maya, it is always inside Maya and it is always beyond Maya, Maya cannot stand in front. In front of Chit Shakti, Maya will flee from where Chit Shakti is trying, as the light has come to darkness, if both cannot stand in one place, Maya goes away from there just like that Chit Shakti Jha. So Maya is the root power and it is a multi-colored power, that is, it cannot come out far away from God, but this part of God is a creature, Maya has complete authority over it forever. Just feel like a towel is its root, that is, it can smell, it cannot walk, it cannot touch it, it is called the root, just like this world, fire, air, sky, whatever world is in front of us is the root. That is, non-living, how does it become root, it is formed from the root, then who is this root that makes this world the Maya, then Maya is the root, then how will this world become, how will the root make the world, a pot How the pot was made of clay, how the potter made it from the soil. The potter made this pitcher through the soil, it was not made by itself. God created this world in the same way, but through Maya, God created the world with the help of Maya, like a potter makes a pot with the help of soil, so Maya is the root, let's leave it for a little attention on us, we have three things God is sitting inside everyone, that is, inside the soul, like there is ghee in the milk, where there will be milk, there will be ghee in the milk and this body is the root of Maya, we know that after death it Commandment in your form because both of them left, Jeeva went and God sat in Jiva, two Chetans left, then they were rooted, in 24 hours they started rotting and in four days they started to fade as if they were made in the mother's stomach. He grew up and became younger in the world or in his youth, and he was rooted and rooted, this is the body, that is, all three, not in this body, the root is Maya, the god sitting in the living and the living, these three are the combined bodies of human beings. Not only animals, kit kites, all body till Brahma, but the body of the body [body] and body of the body is also the body of Lord Krishna, the body of Lord Krishna.
"Krishnamanbehitu Atmanan Sarveedhinam"
The soul of all souls is Shri Krishna, just as the soul of this body is the living entity, similarly the soul of the body is the divine Shri Krishna, the body of Shri Krishna is the body and the body of this body is the body made of the fifth element, so the name of the mixer of these three things is this body. it happens. Similarly, what is this world, what is there in this world, there are only three in it, one is the root world, we are seeing the earth and so on, in this we are conscious of two types, one variable and the other constant, this tree plant and variable We humans, animals etc. These two types of creatures, earth, and everything, and the universal Lord Krishna. It is not like that in an organism, but in this lifeless world, everything is widespread. The Vedas say that God did not enter the world by creating it. So these three combined elements are Brahma jiva, Maya is also with God, all three live with God in the great world, Shakti cannot remain separate from Shaktimaan. Now you will say that Maya is the root, then Maya will not come in front of God. Will work by order Maya cannot do anything without her power, because she is the root, what will she do, but Maya has placed authority over the conscious creature, it is due to the power of God, the root is so much power of Maya that only when God will do this She will go and she will not go due to any means, someone can do penance, someone can remove or shun Maya, just when God says "come out" from Maya only then she will go and when she will say when Jeeva surrender completely. So how such great power is in the fiery Maya, this is the power of God. See when a wrestler shocks a child loudly and he dies and then the wrestler says that now he is killed, now where will he die, now the soul has gone, now that child is rooted, now he is nothing, In the same way, this Maya which looks amazing, it is able to show only because of the power of God, if God does not give Maya his power, then it is nothing but root only. Although Maya has great power, she is rooted and also colorful. Now those crazy people who say that it is a lie are false, ask them that you drink water, why do you walk on this earth, why do you walk on this false world, you walk in this air, eat food, yes, why do you If this is false then it is all nonsense. So Maya can be removed only by the grace of Bhagwan. So Maya is not our enemy, but the power of God will harm us. God cannot have such a thing that can hurt the son of God. So Maya is Bahgawan's maid, she wants our hit, don't do evil to her, her way is a little different. It honors us, gives us fame, then plunges us to the ground so that we can understand that there is nothing in this world and we move forward in the path of attaining God.
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