Sentimental people have this belief Their intellects have this illusion or false pride "I understand everything" "Lectures don't interest me. I just enjoy sadhana." It's a good thing to enjoy sadhana But you should only say or think this when you reach an advanced state In an ordinary state, you can't do continuous sadhana 24 hours a day You get tired Your mind gets tired. This is called getting bored. It asks for something different. It is habituated thus. Hence VedaVyas has made an aphorism in Vedanta - (Verse 4.1.1) Listen to the teachings repeatedly and then contemplate over them as well. When you listen, you come to understand But this understanding you have now will be lost in the future (Sankhya 4.15.16) We forget even worldly things. Your father told you to do something and 10 minutes later you forgot "Oh, I forgot about that" Memory has become very weak in this age of Kali So you need to listen and contemplate again and again.  Now, t...

Why didn't we get love and who are we?

Today we are going to talk about love, today when we look at our variables, we know that love is everywhere but at the same time when we zoom and look, we also know that with love Here in this world, many diseases like sorrow, greed, greed, ego, have also been built. But when we try to understand it more closely, we find that in this world there is only home to diseases like sorrow. Now you may not agree with my words but this is as true as our experience. Now you will ask how do you know. Just look around you, let's leave it, see your house. When you meet a person who is very close to you after many days, you get the pleasure to see him but when you spend one with him The happiness that you got from seeing him for the first time, now that happiness has reduced and after a few days you start feeling sad from him, now you wonder if this world is happiness, then how that happiness turns into sadness, which joy turns you The first rasgulla was found in eating, why don't you get that happiness in the third rasgulla, it means that the pleasure you get is sad in it, it means that the love we get in this world is adulterated, it means that you are fake Why is getting love like this? We never think about it, we are just running away. But now the question arises that after all this real love will be called real bliss which will be infinite which will never end, where is that love? To find the answer to this question, we have to know who we are. Now you must be getting questions in your mind that this man will not be mad. How is talking that we have to know who we are? It looks✊ like this guy's screw is loose. No, I am absolutely fine. We have to know who we are.
Now it is certain that we cannot be this body. Why? Because according to Vedas, we are part of Lord Krishna, if we were part of him, we would be immortal, but we see every day that people die and then take birth, meaning we are not this body. So what do we do? It is a creature that is part of God, this creature which we call soul. Now why only the soul? The unfortunate soul is immortal, it cannot be burnt, neither can be soaked nor killed, it also says. According to the Vedas, the soul is an integral part of Brahma, or else we say that the soul is the realization of Brahma. Now let's talk about the joy, why we get sorrow even after being a part of Brahm. The answer is that we have never enjoyed ourselves because of the influence of Maya. Now, whose name is this Maya, we will talk about it again sometime. Now you understand that despite being part of God, we could not achieve real love. The love that is incredible, which never ends, that lasts forever, but we never got it.

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