Sentimental people have this belief Their intellects have this illusion or false pride "I understand everything" "Lectures don't interest me. I just enjoy sadhana." It's a good thing to enjoy sadhana But you should only say or think this when you reach an advanced state In an ordinary state, you can't do continuous sadhana 24 hours a day You get tired Your mind gets tired. This is called getting bored. It asks for something different. It is habituated thus. Hence VedaVyas has made an aphorism in Vedanta - (Verse 4.1.1) Listen to the teachings repeatedly and then contemplate over them as well. When you listen, you come to understand But this understanding you have now will be lost in the future (Sankhya 4.15.16) We forget even worldly things. Your father told you to do something and 10 minutes later you forgot "Oh, I forgot about that" Memory has become very weak in this age of Kali So you need to listen and contemplate again and again.  Now, t...

Why we don't make spiritual progress and don't attain GOD yet?? [ bhakti yoga ] [ bhakti ka swaroop]

We want to do devotion and we do, but we are not seeing any progress, and our mind is getting up from God also means that we are making a mess, so let's know why we don't Make Spiritual  Progress? And why we don't attain God??  yet,
                                      This chanting of God's names that we're doing we have chanted infinite times more than this since eternity Infinite times - not just a million or billion Infinite times have we received human birth And in infinite births, we have taken God's names infinite times But our goal was not achieved Like in mathematics If we multiply 0 with 0, we get 0 and if we multiply 0 with a million, we still get 0 Because the thing we are multiplying is 0 No matter how big it's multiple, we will still get 0 So the chanting of God's names that we do It is lacking in knowledge There is one essential knowledge Say someone finds a ring somewhere He enquires about its value and hears it is $1 He leaves it here and there, without caring much for it But one day a jeweler sees the ring He asks in surprise: "Where did you buy this?" "I found it lying somewhere" "This gem is worth $100 million!" That poor man goes mad with joy A $100 million ring! Now he looks at it with great love and cares He used to throw that same ring here and here "Who cares if I lose it? It's only $1.That buys nothing today" Similarly, if knowledge is added to our chanting of God's names then our mind and intellect will get attached to taking His names Just like they got attached to the ring So what knowledge do we need? We just need to know that there is no difference between God and His name Worldly names and forms are both illusory, Worldly names don't have this quality.

                                    God knew that in the beginning, the soul would not be able to see Him or know Him, Then how would he love Him? So He seated Himself in His name He seated Himself! If our question skeptically "Then why don't we experience His bliss when we say Radhey or Shyam?" If He is seated in His name? This is the reason We never believed that He is seated in His name. We heard it from Saints and Scriptures But we never accepted. Never had full faith. And why did we never get that firm conviction? Because in the world, the thing being named is never seated in its name. At most, if we call someone by name - "Anita" Then she will answer, as long as she heard it If she didn't hear, she won't even answer because she is a material soul existing in a limited space But God is all-pervading And secondly, He is especially present in His name Not just in His name The Supreme Lord, Radha Krishna, is in any name Don't think They are only in "Radhey" or "Krishna" Be it any name As long as you keep the sentiment that it is God's name then you can give Him any name Dog, cat, donkey - call Him anything. And don't fear. Don't hesitate - all the alphabets are names of God in the Vedas. There are no restrictions with His name. Look - no soul can ever attain Mother Yashoda's position But she never called Him "Shri Krishna" She distorted "Krishna" and called Him "Kanha, Kanua, Kanhaiya" And sometimes not even that "O Lala" Lala is not a word in Sanskrit, Hindi or anywhere In worldly etiquette, rich men or officers are sometimes called Lala In Braj, children are called Lala Lala means son here So is "son" a name of God? In the world, everyone calls their child "son" But God has never restricted us to call Him by a certain name "I am only present in this name, not in other names" It is not so Accept Him in any name. And in any form.

                                     Whatever form is dear to you, accept God in that form Keep making His form with your mind God will accept it. This is His allowance. God is also seated in His qualities in His pastimes, His abodes, and His saints God is eternally present in all these He doesn't leave for even a moment God pervades these like ghee pervades milk (Padma Purana) If a fortunate soul were to retain this in his intellect and believe it ... There are many classes of belief as well One believes it 10%. Another 20%. And another 100%. You will be benefited to the percent that you believe And to that percent, your mind will get love, attachment, and bliss If you simply hear "Your $500 lottery ticket can win a prize of $12.5 million" $12.5 million! You haven't won it, and yet you feel joy inside If luck is with me, I will get $12.5 million Look - you have spent $500 and not even won $1.25 Yet you feel so much joy just thinking about the possibility And here Krishna Himself is present. Simply believe it. And to believe, you have to practice This intellect is what has ruined everything since eternity Our habit since the birth of applying our intellect This is all we do - we apply our intellect But only towards God, Guru and the Scriptures And where we should apply our intellect, we don't There we believe We take $10 million and give it to the bank teller through the small opening The bank teller takes your money Now what if he says you never gave it to him? Or that you gave a smaller amount? But you trust that he will give you a receipt for $10 million And he does. If you ask for the receipt first, and he insists on the money first then no business would take place in the world See how much you believe in the world Just once, try believing in God and Guru Then see what you get! Firm faith! we will have to build this firm faith in our intellect that God and His name are one Then when you say "Radhey", the sound will come from your heart You will feel a jolt in your heart and it will sound sweet to your own ear Otherwise we will say "Radhey Radhey" only from our throat It's better than nothing.

                           I'm not saying we're wasting time. You left your homes to come here. Some of you believe to some degree. But some are uninformed And some don't practice to strengthen their faith. we need to practice. Believing that Radha and Krishna are seated in their name The Scriptures, God-realized Saints, and God himself have said this Gaurang Mahaprabhu, a descension of God, said this (Shikshashtakam) I have put all of My power into My name This doesn't mean God became powerless If a person donates all of his possessions then he becomes a pauper King Harishchandra gave all he had to his Guru Then he had nothing He had to take employment But it is not so in the divine realm There, the more you give, the more it grows. It doesn't diminish. So all the powers that God put in His name they are simultaneously in the name, and in God, and in Saints we must have firm faith in this We manage to believe in two - in God and in Guru We believe in the Guru to some extent as well -that God's powers are in him But when it comes to the name we have an atheistic mentality -"What power can the name have?" So have faith in this - because our Guru is telling you If someone else says it, then question it and doubt it But here the Scriptures are saying it - we have the quotations and the Guru is saying it - so we should believe there is no difference between God and His name And in the practical world, the name is said to be even greater than God Tulsidas and all the Saints have said this The name of God and the Saint of God is greater than God (Ramcharitmanas) No need to think of them as greater. Just accept them to be equal.

                            Then the bliss that we imagine we'll get on meeting God "What will it be like when I meet Krishna!" we will get that same bliss from the name, and from the Guru, we just have to remove doubt from our heart (Gita 4.40) How beautifully Krishna has explained to Arjuna in the Gita For a doubting person, even the world is joyless Say your wife has served you food "But I read that a wife once poisoned her husband's food" "What if my wife has also poisoned mine?" It's okay. The Padma is not here. If a person were to doubt in this manner in the world He would not remain alive. He'd go mad. So Krishna says - even the world would not function in doubt Everything happens on faith here as well All government, all business functions by faith I hear from big businessmen in our capital cities that people deal in millions without documentation Without records, they give millions to big parties on faith And they get interested And if they ask for their principal, they get that too Such big things are done on faith in this world But when it comes to God The Scriptures have declared it, and the Guru has certified it And yet we don't believe.

                     This means we are determined to ruin our soul No matter what, I'll use my intellect and ruin myself No matter how much God or Guru graces me, I won't realize their grace and I'll act per my intellect Hence, merge your intellect into the intellect of the Guru and Scriptures and go on building this faith When the kirtan starts before you say "Radhey" think that Shri Radha is seated there How great it is! You get both the name and the One being named This faith will become firm by practice I know it will not happen just by my saying it But I can at least request you to practice If you don't accept my instruction, then at least accept my request and do the practice Then see in just 4 days, how much bliss you experience when you say "Radhey" Radha Rani is seated in this "Radhey" that I am saying! If I tell you - "I will show Krishnato whoever comes to my room at 4pm" How happy you all would be "All I have to do is go to Maharaj Ji's room!" "Then I will meet Krishna! How sweet that will be!" But when Maharaj Ji says"Krishna is in His name", you brush it off When he is your guardian, and you are supposed to his obedient disciple then you should accept everything he says Because you don't have the experience to know for yourself before accepting It is not so even in the world Every scientist in the world accepts the research and formulae of previous scientists and moves ahead using them If they follow only their own intellect from the start they would remain at a standstill all their life Hence, please pay attention to my request And before taking God's name, build the faith that He is in His name. 

      हम भक्ति करना चाहते हैं और हम करते हैं, लेकिन हम कोई प्रगति नहीं देख रहे हैं, और हमारा मन भगवान से उठ रहा है इसका मतलब यह भी है कि हम एक गड़बड़ कर रहे हैं, तो चलिए जानते हैं कि हम आध्यात्मिक प्रगति क्यों नहीं करते हैं? और हम भगवान को क्यों नहीं प्राप्त करते? अभी तक,
                                     ईश्वर के नामों का यह जप जो हम कर रहे हैं, अनंत काल से हमने अनंत बार जप किया है - न केवल एक लाख या अरब बार अनंत बार हमें मानव जन्म मिला है और अनंत जन्मों में, हमने अनंत बार भगवान का नाम लिया है - लक्ष्य को प्राप्त नहीं किया गया था जैसे गणित में यदि हम 0 को 0 से गुणा करते हैं, तो हमें 0 मिलता है और यदि हम 0 को एक मिलियन से गुणा करते हैं, तो भी हमें 0 मिलता है क्योंकि जिस चीज को हम गुणा कर रहे हैं, वह 0 है, चाहे वह कितनी ही बड़ी क्यों न हो, फिर भी हम 0 प्राप्त करेंगे। तो भगवान के नामों का जाप जो हम करते हैं, उसमें ज्ञान की कमी है। एक आवश्यक ज्ञान है कोई कहे कि कोई व्यक्ति कहीं एक अंगूठी ढूंढता है, वह उसके मूल्य के बारे में पूछता है और सुनता है कि यह $ 1 है। वह इसे इधर-उधर छोड़ देता है, इसके लिए ज्यादा परवाह किए बिना, लेकिन एक दिन एक जौहरी अंगूठी देखता है वह आश्चर्य से पूछता है: "आपने यह कहां खरीदा था?" "मैंने पाया कि यह कहीं पड़ा हुआ है" "यह मणि 100 मिलियन डॉलर की है!" वह गरीब आदमी खुशी से पागल हो जाता है $ 100 मिलियन की अंगूठी! अब वह इसे बड़े प्यार से देखता है और परवाह करता है कि वह उसी अंगूठी को इधर-उधर फेंक देता था "अगर मैं हार गया तो कौन परवाह करता है? यह केवल $ 1. आज कुछ भी नहीं खरीदता है" इसी तरह, अगर हमारे भगवान के नामों के जप में ज्ञान जोड़ा जाता है तो हमारा मन और बुद्धि उसके नाम लेने के लिए संलग्न हो जाएगा जैसे वे अंगूठी से जुड़ गए हैं, तो हमें किस ज्ञान की आवश्यकता है? हमें बस यह जानने की जरूरत है कि भगवान और उनके नाम के बीच कोई अंतर नहीं है सांसारिक नाम और रूप दोनों भ्रामक हैं, सांसारिक नामों में यह गुण नहीं है।

                                    ईश्वर जानता था कि शुरुआत में आत्मा उसे देख नहीं पाएगी या उसे जान नहीं पाएगी, फिर वह उससे कैसे प्यार करेगा? तो उसने अपने आप को अपने नाम पर बैठा लिया, उसने खुद को बैठा लिया! अगर हमारे सवाल में संदेह है "तो राधे या श्याम के कहने पर हम उनके आनंद का अनुभव क्यों नहीं करते?" यदि वह अपने नाम पर बैठा है? यही कारण है कि हमें कभी विश्वास नहीं हुआ कि वह अपने नाम पर बैठा है। हमने इसे संतों और शास्त्रों से सुना लेकिन हमने कभी स्वीकार नहीं किया। कभी पूरा भरोसा नहीं था। और हमें वह दृढ़ विश्वास क्यों नहीं मिला? क्योंकि दुनिया में, नाम की चीज कभी भी अपने नाम पर नहीं बैठती है। ज़्यादातर, अगर हम किसी को नाम से बुलाते हैं - "अनीता" तो वह जवाब देगी, जब तक उसने सुना, अगर उसने नहीं सुना, तो वह जवाब भी नहीं देगी क्योंकि वह एक सीमित स्थान पर मौजूद एक भौतिक आत्मा है, लेकिन भगवान सर्वव्यापी है और दूसरी बात, वह विशेष रूप से उनके नाम में मौजूद है न कि केवल उनके नाम में, सर्वोच्च भगवान, राधा कृष्ण, किसी भी नाम में हैं, ऐसा मत सोचो कि वे केवल "राधे" या "कृष्ण" हैं, वैसे ही किसी भी नाम के रूप में हों जब तक आप भावना रखते हैं कि यह भगवान का नाम है तब आप उसे कोई भी नाम दे सकते हैं कुत्ता, बिल्ली, गधा - उसे कुछ भी कह सकते हैं। और डरो मत। संकोच मत करो - सभी अक्षर वेदों में भगवान के नाम हैं। उनके नाम के साथ कोई प्रतिबंध नहीं है। देखिए - कोई भी आत्मा कभी भी माँ यशोदा के पद को प्राप्त नहीं कर सकती है लेकिन उसने कभी भी "श्री कृष्ण" को "विकृत" कृष्ण नहीं कहा और उसे "कान्हा, कन्हुआ, कन्हैया" कहा और कभी-कभी यह भी नहीं कहा कि "ओ लाला" लाला संस्कृत में एक शब्द नहीं है। , हिंदी या कहीं भी दुनियावी शिष्टाचार में, अमीर आदमी या अधिकारियों को कभी-कभी लाला कहा जाता है। ब्रज में, बच्चों को लाला लाला कहा जाता है, यहाँ बेटे का अर्थ है "बेटा" भगवान का नाम है? दुनिया में, हर कोई अपने बच्चे को "बेटा" कहता है, लेकिन भगवान ने हमें कभी भी एक निश्चित नाम से उसे फोन करने के लिए प्रतिबंधित नहीं किया है "मैं केवल इस नाम से मौजूद हूं, अन्य नामों में नहीं" यह किसी भी नाम से स्वीकार नहीं है। और किसी भी रूप में।

                   जो भी रूप आपको प्रिय है, उस रूप में ईश्वर को स्वीकार करें। अपने रूप को अपने मन से बनाते रहें ईश्वर इसे स्वीकार करेगा। यह उनका भत्ता है। ईश्वर भी उनके गुणों में बैठा है, उनके अतीत में, उनके निवासों में, और उनके संत ईश्वर इन सभी में सदा विद्यमान हैं, वे एक क्षण के लिए भी नहीं छोड़ते हैं, ईश्वर भी इन घी के समान दूध (पद्म पुराण) को नष्ट कर देता है, यदि कोई सौभाग्यशाली आत्मा होती तो अपनी बुद्धि में इसे बनाए रखें और इसे मानें ... विश्वास के कई वर्ग हैं और साथ ही एक का मानना ​​है कि यह 10% है। एक और 20%। और दूसरा 100%। आप उस प्रतिशत से लाभान्वित होंगे जो आप मानते हैं और उस प्रतिशत तक, आपके मन को प्यार, लगाव और आनंद मिलेगा यदि आप बस सुनते हैं "आपका $ 500 लॉटरी का टिकट $ 12.5 मिलियन का पुरस्कार जीत सकता है" $ 12.5 मिलियन! आपने इसे नहीं जीता है, और फिर भी आप अंदर खुशी महसूस करते हैं यदि भाग्य मेरे साथ है, तो मुझे $ 12.5 मिलियन मिलेंगे - आपने $ 500 खर्च किए हैं और $ 1.25 भी नहीं जीते हैं। फिर भी आप बहुत खुशी महसूस कर रहे हैं बस संभावना के बारे में सोच रहे हैं और यहाँ कृष्ण खुद उपस्थित है। बस यह विश्वास है। और विश्वास करने के लिए, आपको इस बुद्धि का अभ्यास करना है, जिसने अनंत काल से सब कुछ बर्बाद कर दिया है हमारी बुद्धि को लागू करने के जन्म के बाद से हमारी आदत यह सब हम करते हैं - हम अपनी बुद्धि को लागू करते हैं लेकिन केवल भगवान, गुरु और शास्त्रों की ओर और जहां हमें आवेदन करना चाहिए हमारी बुद्धि, हम वहाँ नहीं है, हम मानते हैं कि हम $ 10 मिलियन लेते हैं और इसे बैंक के टेलर को देते हैं, छोटे उद्घाटन के माध्यम से बैंक टेलर अपना पैसा लेता है


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